Journal Information

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Journal Title: Hip & Pelvis
Journal Abbreviation: Hip Pelvis
Acronym: HP
Publication Date: Vol.24, no.2 (2012) -
Frequency: Quarterly
Publisher: Korean Hip Society
Language: English
pISSN: 2287-3260
eISSN: 2287-3279
DOI Prefix: 10.5371/hp
Continues: The Journal of the Korean Hip Society = 대한고관절학회지
Broad Subject Term(s): Orthopedics
MeSH (NLM): Hip Joint
SC (SCI): Orthopedics
Open Access: OA-nc (
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Indexed/Tracked/Covered By: PubMed, Pubmed Central, Crossref, Scopus, Google Scholar
Vol.36 No.4 Dec 01, 2024, pp. 231~325
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Hip & Pelvis