Original Article

J Korean Hip Soc 2007; 19(3): 161-166

Published online September 1, 2007

© The Korean Hip Society

비구골 결손 시 동종골 감입 이식과 시멘트 비구컵을 이용한 고관절 재치환술 - 최소 7년 이상 추시의 임상적 및 방사선학적 고찰 -


인제대학교 의과대학 서울백병원 정형외과

Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty using Allogenic Impaction Bone Grafts and Cemented Cup in Acetabular Bone Deficiency - Minimum Seven Years Clinical and Radiological Analysis -

Han Suk Ko, M.D., Min Gun Kim, M.D., Hong Jun Choi, M.D.

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to : 고한석
서울특별시 중구 저동 2가 85번지 서울백병원 정형외과
TEL: 82-2-2270-0028
FAX: 82-2-2270-0023
E-mail: kohans@hananet.net

* 본 논문은 인제대학교 학술연구조성비에 지원을 받았음.


Purpose: This study examined the minimum seven years clinical and radiological results of revision total hip arthroplasty using an allogenic impaction bone graft and a cemented cup in an acetabular bone deficiency.
Materials and Methods: Fifty two revision total hip arthroplasty procedures performed on forty nine patients between March 1992 and June 1998 and followed for more than minimum seven years were examined. The clinical and radiological results were evaluated by Harris hip score and roentgenography including anterior-posterior view of pelvis and lateral view of operated hip.
Results: The mean Harris hip score was 47 points preoperatively, 81 points at three years after revision, and 84 points at seven years. The radiological evaluation revealed osseous union that trabeculated between grafted bone and host bone within four months in 47 hips, a complete grafted bone-cement radiolucent line of two millimeters or more in at least one zone in 5 hips at two years and in 7 hips at the seven year follow-up.
Conclusion: We recommend the technique using an allogenic impaction bone graft and cemented cup to reconstruct an acetabular cavitary defect in revision total hip arthroplasty.

Keywords Acetabular bone deficiency, Allogenic impaction bone graft, Revision total hip arthroplasty


Original Article

J Korean Hip Soc 2007; 19(3): 161-166

Published online September 1, 2007 https://doi.org/10.5371/jkhs.2007.19.3.161

Copyright © The Korean Hip Society.

비구골 결손 시 동종골 감입 이식과 시멘트 비구컵을 이용한 고관절 재치환술 - 최소 7년 이상 추시의 임상적 및 방사선학적 고찰 -


인제대학교 의과대학 서울백병원 정형외과

Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty using Allogenic Impaction Bone Grafts and Cemented Cup in Acetabular Bone Deficiency - Minimum Seven Years Clinical and Radiological Analysis -

Han Suk Ko, M.D., Min Gun Kim, M.D., Hong Jun Choi, M.D.

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to:고한석
서울특별시 중구 저동 2가 85번지 서울백병원 정형외과
TEL: 82-2-2270-0028
FAX: 82-2-2270-0023
E-mail: kohans@hananet.net

* 본 논문은 인제대학교 학술연구조성비에 지원을 받았음.


Purpose: This study examined the minimum seven years clinical and radiological results of revision total hip arthroplasty using an allogenic impaction bone graft and a cemented cup in an acetabular bone deficiency.
Materials and Methods: Fifty two revision total hip arthroplasty procedures performed on forty nine patients between March 1992 and June 1998 and followed for more than minimum seven years were examined. The clinical and radiological results were evaluated by Harris hip score and roentgenography including anterior-posterior view of pelvis and lateral view of operated hip.
Results: The mean Harris hip score was 47 points preoperatively, 81 points at three years after revision, and 84 points at seven years. The radiological evaluation revealed osseous union that trabeculated between grafted bone and host bone within four months in 47 hips, a complete grafted bone-cement radiolucent line of two millimeters or more in at least one zone in 5 hips at two years and in 7 hips at the seven year follow-up.
Conclusion: We recommend the technique using an allogenic impaction bone graft and cemented cup to reconstruct an acetabular cavitary defect in revision total hip arthroplasty.

Keywords: Acetabular bone deficiency, Allogenic impaction bone graft, Revision total hip arthroplasty

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