Original Article

J Korean Hip Soc 2008; 20(2): 124-130

Published online June 1, 2008

© The Korean Hip Society

70세 이상의 전위된 대퇴골 경부 골절 환자에서 무시멘트형 조립식 대퇴 스템을 이용한 고관절 치환술


성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 정형외과

Received: January 15, 2008; Revised: May 14, 2008; Accepted: May 29, 2008

Hip Arthroplasty Using Cementless Modular Femoral Stem for Displaced Femoral Neck Fracture in Patients More than 70 Years Old

Young-Wan Moon, M.D., Youn-Soo Park, M.D., Seung-Jae Lim, M.D., Kyung-Sub Lim, M.D.

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul , Korea

Correspondence to : 박윤수
서울특별시 강남구 일원동 50번지 135-710 성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 정형외과
TEL: 82-2-3410-3509
FAX: 82-2-3410-0061
E-mail: ysp3504@skku.edu

* 본 연구는 인성의과학연구재단 연구비 (C-A5-811-1)의 일부 보조로 이루어졌음.

Received: January 15, 2008; Revised: May 14, 2008; Accepted: May 29, 2008


Purpose: To evaluate the clinical and radiological results of hip arthroplasty using a cementless modular femoral stem in patients older than 70 years with a femoral neck fracture.
Materials and Methods: From January 2002 to May 2005, 67 hip arthroplasty procedures (66 patients) using a cementless modular femoral stem for displaced femoral neck fractures in patients older than 70 years of age were evaluated. All the patients were followed up for more than 2 years. The mean age at surgery was 77 (70~92) years. There were 22 men and 44 women. The mean follow up period was 31 months (24~41). The clinical evaluation was performed by examining the perioperative Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and postoperative complications. The radiological evaluation for femoral stem loosening and osteolysis was performed using the serial postoperative radiographs. The radiological evaluation for leg length discrepancies was performed using the immediate postoperative radiograph.
Results: In preoperative ADL, 31 cases (46%) were in grade 1, 21 (31.5%) in grade 2, 14 (21%) in grade 3, 1 (1.5%) in grade 4 and none in grade 5. A review of the postoperative ADL revealed 25 cases (37.5%) in grade 1, 18 (27%) in grade 2, 21 (31%) in grade 3, 3(4.5%) in grade 4 and none in grade 5. Postoperative restoration of the ADL was observed in 48 cases (71.5%). There were no significant complications. Radiographically, all cases showed stable bony fixation of the femoral stem with the exception of 1 case, who showed subsidence and a pedestal reaction. Postoperative leg length discrepancy was observed in 5 cases (7.5%) but was < 1 cm in all cases.
Conclusion: In elderly patients older than 70 years of age with a displaced femoral neck fracture, cementless hip arthroplasty using a modular femoral stem provides good initial stability and subsequent secure bony fixation with minimal complications.

Keywords Displaced femur neck fracture, Hip arthroplasty, Cementless modular femoral stem


Original Article

J Korean Hip Soc 2008; 20(2): 124-130

Published online June 1, 2008 https://doi.org/10.5371/jkhs.2008.20.2.124

Copyright © The Korean Hip Society.

70세 이상의 전위된 대퇴골 경부 골절 환자에서 무시멘트형 조립식 대퇴 스템을 이용한 고관절 치환술


성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 정형외과

Received: January 15, 2008; Revised: May 14, 2008; Accepted: May 29, 2008

Hip Arthroplasty Using Cementless Modular Femoral Stem for Displaced Femoral Neck Fracture in Patients More than 70 Years Old

Young-Wan Moon, M.D., Youn-Soo Park, M.D., Seung-Jae Lim, M.D., Kyung-Sub Lim, M.D.

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul , Korea

Correspondence to:박윤수
서울특별시 강남구 일원동 50번지 135-710 성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 정형외과
TEL: 82-2-3410-3509
FAX: 82-2-3410-0061
E-mail: ysp3504@skku.edu

* 본 연구는 인성의과학연구재단 연구비 (C-A5-811-1)의 일부 보조로 이루어졌음.

Received: January 15, 2008; Revised: May 14, 2008; Accepted: May 29, 2008


Purpose: To evaluate the clinical and radiological results of hip arthroplasty using a cementless modular femoral stem in patients older than 70 years with a femoral neck fracture.
Materials and Methods: From January 2002 to May 2005, 67 hip arthroplasty procedures (66 patients) using a cementless modular femoral stem for displaced femoral neck fractures in patients older than 70 years of age were evaluated. All the patients were followed up for more than 2 years. The mean age at surgery was 77 (70~92) years. There were 22 men and 44 women. The mean follow up period was 31 months (24~41). The clinical evaluation was performed by examining the perioperative Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and postoperative complications. The radiological evaluation for femoral stem loosening and osteolysis was performed using the serial postoperative radiographs. The radiological evaluation for leg length discrepancies was performed using the immediate postoperative radiograph.
Results: In preoperative ADL, 31 cases (46%) were in grade 1, 21 (31.5%) in grade 2, 14 (21%) in grade 3, 1 (1.5%) in grade 4 and none in grade 5. A review of the postoperative ADL revealed 25 cases (37.5%) in grade 1, 18 (27%) in grade 2, 21 (31%) in grade 3, 3(4.5%) in grade 4 and none in grade 5. Postoperative restoration of the ADL was observed in 48 cases (71.5%). There were no significant complications. Radiographically, all cases showed stable bony fixation of the femoral stem with the exception of 1 case, who showed subsidence and a pedestal reaction. Postoperative leg length discrepancy was observed in 5 cases (7.5%) but was < 1 cm in all cases.
Conclusion: In elderly patients older than 70 years of age with a displaced femoral neck fracture, cementless hip arthroplasty using a modular femoral stem provides good initial stability and subsequent secure bony fixation with minimal complications.

Keywords: Displaced femur neck fracture, Hip arthroplasty, Cementless modular femoral stem

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